Product Range
The Chemganic Phase
Before having a look at our products, it would be interesting to know that they are not only a fully organic bio-stimulant and fertilizer, but that they also play another big role in soil health and food production.
It has now been scientifically shown that with incorrect tilling practices (ploughing where the soil profile is inverted), amongst other practices, as well as farming with or applying chemical fertilizers effectively “sterilizes” soil by depleting the Soil Organic matter (SOM) – the enzymes, good microbes, good fungi (eg. Mycorrhizae), good bacteria, earthworms, etc. We speak of a “dead” soil. The result is that production costs increase year-on-year, whilst yields and production itself decreases, not to mention the fact that soil sampling and soil analysis are a constant necessity. Environmentally friendly and sustainable organic farming on the other hand has shown to decrease overheads yet at the same time increase crop yield, plant and crop quality, pest and disease resilience, and plant and crop health. If you are prone to sterile soil conditions, the biggest challenge however is to get the soil to a healthy, living, and balanced state again, whilst at the same time having to still produce a commercial crop. Any continued use of chemical products and tilling and other non-beneficial farming practices will continue to deplete your soil of nutrients and SOM. There are known agronomical practices in order to get soil back to a living state again but they take time, sometimes years, and it is that period between changing over from a sterile chemical soil to a living organic soil, that we have termed the “chemganic” period, or “chemganic” phase. The 3 most commonly agreed upon practices that the top scientists promote are:- No tilling; use of cover crops; and crop rotation. These are necessary to get the organic and eventual humus levels back up. There is however a 4th practice which not only promotes organics at every and any stage, but also “bridges” that gap.
Vigoland products have shown to nourish and sustain plants and crops, whilst at the same time enriching a depleted soil by creating conditions in the rhizosphere (area around the roots), by attracting, feeding, and encouraging SOM. An economically viable plant and crop can thus be produced during the chemganic period or phase. Only once the soil is in balance again can fully environmentally friendly and sustainable organic practices be attained. Continued usage of Vigoland products thereafter will ensure continued sustainable organics and will also provide the additional nutrients required that are necessary for commercial yields. Plants and crops in such soils are less susceptible to fungal and insect attack, are able to endure stresses better, and produce a higher and healthier yield. This is because of the balanced and symbiotic relationship of SOM in the soil. The plants are more able to fully utilize the nutrients in the soil and nutrients are able to move around more freely in the soil. This is how forests, grasslands, and all other plant biodiversity types have thrived and sustained themselves (and all animal and insect life that are reliant on them) for millions of years. Holistic & Sustainable Vigoland organics is not just about soil and plant health, but about the far reaching health affects that it has on the environment as a whole, and ultimately on us Human Beings!

Vigo™ is best described as a TCO (True Compound Organic) as it does all that a bio-stimulant + plant potentiator + plant growth enhancer + plant growth conditioner, can do! Yet at the same time it contains no GMO’s, nor is it modified or enhanced in any way in order for it to perform or be able to show the amazing results that it does. It has the ability to “turn on” or “turn off” metabolic pathways or activity “switches” so to speak and therefore has the capability to enhance the uptake of plant nutrition even at reduced fertilizer rates. The hormonal activity is further substantively increased with the presence of 17 essential organic amino acids and has proven to be extremely effective when used in conjunction with organic fertilizers or foliar feeds, but not restricted to organic fertilizers. Although Vigo™ contains non-structured carbohydrates, its unique ability to further indirectly increase carbohydrates when the plant activates its “on” switch, allows the plant to produce more energy, which thus stimulates plant growth. This is the primary function of Vigo™. At the same time the other benefit functions observed include the ability to increase the brix count or sugar levels in the cell sap, and have a physiological effect at the plant’s cell membrane level to in turn:
- Increase crop yield
- Reduce fertilizer requirements
- Reduce water usage
- Produce more shoots and roots and in a shorter period of time
- Strengthen cell walls
- Improve the stress tolerance of plants (drought, heat, disease, insect, water logging)
- Enhance bud break, fruiting, and seeding
- Increase the strength and % of seed germination
- Increase fruit and flower shelf life
- Increase crop harvest period (such as tomatoes, strawberries, etc.)
- Break down hydrophobic soils and black layering
- Create the environment for soils to rejuvenate themselves – Increases the diffusion of released nutrients providing an enriched area around the roots.

Vigo™ is a 100% natural and environmentally friendly product, and also contains free ash or carbon and is thus of paramount importance for an organic, healthy, and sustainable plant, soil, and ecological environment!
As per the trials done across the plant spectrum, the application rates have been divided into the following categories:
- Agriculture
- Forestry
- Horticulture
- Golf & Sports-Fields
- In short, Vigo, which is referred to as a True Compound Organic (or TCO and which has all the sustainable properties of a nutrient potentiator, enhancer, bio-regulator, and conditioner), is applied at lower dosages over longer periods and is used in conjunction with both synthetic and/or organic fertilizers:- it slowly builds up the plant’s resistance and will give a more vigorous plant with increased yields, stress tolerances (heat, wind, drought, transplanting, performance, insects, disease, etc), an increased shelf-life, and this at a much reduced fertilizer protocol (up to 50% – Vigo performs best when used with other fertilizers but at the reduced fertilizer rate. A full fertilizer application rate + Vigo shows no significant results). Vigo is the catalyst and trigger which takes all other fertilizers (synthetic and/or organic/sustainable) to another level of efficiency and effectiveness. There is also no need to re-apply should it rain shortly after application and there is no need for any surfactants or wetting agents.
Note: – Do not apply Vigo in its undiluted form to leaves, but as per the suggested rates!
- Crops (General):
- Seeds/dry land crops/dry root seedlings/ bulbs and tubers, etc – soak overnight in a 2ml/1lt Vigo/water solution (1:500 Vigo/water solution ) and plant the next day, or apply as a slight stream, drip, or fine mist of undiluted Vigo onto the planted seedbed and water in lightly. The undiluted application should be applied at 1Lt/15m². Dry-land crops need not be watered in but premature germination may occur without rain/water. Dry root seedlings have however shown good production results when soaked in a 1:500 solution for a few hours only, but overnight is preferable.
- Seedling plugs – Drench as and when required with a solution of 2ml Vigo/1lt water solution after planting.
- If you’re using other fertilizers, your fertilizer application can be reduced by up to 50%, and apply with either a solution of 1:1600 Vigo/water via the drip-line system 2 x weekly, or foliar spray at 8Lts Vigo/Ha every 2 weeks in a mix tank of between 400 and 600Lts water increasing the application to 12.5Lts/Ha every 2 weeks until just before harvest. Don’t miss any of these applications, but there is no need to re-apply should it rain shortly after application.
- Vigo can be introduced any time during the plant cycle.
- Vegetables (including strawberries):
- Seeds/dry root seedlings – soak seeds overnight in a 2ml/1lt Vigo/water solution (1:500 Vigo/water solution) and plant the next day, or apply as a slight stream, drip, or fine mist of undiluted Vigo onto the planted seedbed at a rate of 1Lt/15m² and water in lightly.
- Thereafter apply 1 drop of Vigo to 160ml’s water and drench whenever watering is required.
- From transplant stage onwards, apply either a solution of 1:1600 Vigo:water mix via the drip-line system 2 x weekly, or foliar spray at 8Lts Vigo/Ha every 2 weeks in a mix tank of between 400 and 600Lts increasing the application to 12.5Lts/Ha until just before harvest. Don’t miss any of these applications, but there is no need to re-apply should it rain shortly after application. No need for any surfactants or wetting agents. The previous fertilizer applications can also be reduced by as much as 50%. Vigo performs best at this reduction in fertilizer protocol.
- Herbs:
- Follow the protocol for vegetables!
- Fruit trees:
- Cuttings – Dip cuttings into undiluted Vigo and plant.
- Seeds – soak seeds overnight in a 2ml/1lt Vigo/water solution (1:500 Vigo/water solution) and plant the next day, or apply as a slight stream, drip, or a fine mist of undiluted Vigo onto the planted seedbed and water in lightly.
- Thereafter apply 1 drop of Vigo to 160ml’s water and drench whenever watering is required.
- Increase application accordingly per mass size of plant.
- At transplant time apply 10ml undiluted Vigo around each tree, thereafter apply 15ml per tree on monthly basis, increasing application as the tree grows to an application of no more than 50ml per tree per month. Alternatively, apply either a solution of 1:1600 Vigo:water via the drip-line system 2 x weekly (but reduce the current/usual fertilizer application by 50%), or foliar spray at 12.5ts Vigo/Ha every 2 weeks in a mix tank of between 400 and 600Lts until just before harvest. The latter 2 application rates are also applicable for full grown fruit bearing trees.
- No need for any surfactants or wetting agents.
- Cuttings – Dip cuttings into undiluted Vigo and plant.
- Seeds – soak seeds overnight in a 2ml/1lt Vigo/water solution (1:500 Vigo/water solution) and plant the next day, or apply as a slight stream, drip, or fine mist of undiluted Vigo onto the planted seedbed and water in lightly.
- Thereafter apply 1 drop of Vigo to 160ml’s water and drench whenever watering is required. Increase application accordingly per mass size of plant.
- At transplant time apply 10ml undiluted Vigo around each tree, as a once-off. However 5ml can be applied per tree on a monthly basis if wished, increasing application as the tree grows to an application rate of no more than 50ml per tree per month.
- Cuttings – Dip cuttings into undiluted Vigo and plant.
- Seeds – soak seeds overnight in a 2ml/1lt Vigo/water solution (1:500 Vigo/water solution) and plant the next day, or apply as a slight stream, drip, or fine mist of undiluted Vigo onto the planted seedbed at a rate of 1lt/15m², and water in lightly.
- At transplant time apply 10ml undiluted Vigo around each tree, or 5ml around each plant, as a once-off. The equivalent of 30ml/1Lt water can be applied per 16m² on a monthly basis if wished, increasing application (in the case of trees) to no more than 50ml undiluted per month, with other fertilizers.
- In times of stress a Vigo solution of 30ml/1Lt water can be applied as a foliar application (even to aloes) every 2-weeks.
- Apply 200ml undiluted Vigo to 1mᶟ raw material at the start of the composting process, and/or 100ml undiluted Vigo to 1mᶟ of the finished product and mix in well.
- Where water is added to a windrow every time it is turned, add a 1:1600 ratio Vigo to water every time that the windrow is turned.
Golf Courses and Sports-Fields
- Golf greens; – Apply Vigo at 12.5Lts/Ha every 2-weeks (with other fertilizers – reduce fertilizer applications).
- Sports-Fields: – Apply Vigo at 12.5Lts/Ha every 2-weeks (with other fertilizers – reduce fertilizer applications). No need to water in if grass clippings are not removed from the fields.
- Note :
- *With the continual usage of Vigo we have found that plants continue to perform optimally even when water is reduced by 30%, and even as much as 40% in some cases.
- *With Vigo, the advantage of various options with regards to applications is apparent.
- * Vigo applied as both a foliar or soil/root applications creates an environment around the root zone (rhizosphere) which encourages (and thus speeds up) the rehabilitation of soils from chemical to organic, also known as the “chemganic” phase.
Vigo™ Espresso

Further development of our amazing Vigo espresso (“VE”) product, has resulted in us being able to meet the challenges and difficulties that the agricultural, horticultural, turf-grass, and forestry sectors are currently undergoing. Our scientists have come up with a product which is even more amazing. Advanced organic bio-mimicry technology was used and the result is a product that we believe is the best organic and sustainable fertilizer in the world. The changes include:
- Provides a fully balanced nutrition to the plants by containing a balance of all the macro and micro nutrients, amino acids, non-structured carbohydrates, sugars, and carbon.
- Has buffering properties.
- Is completely non-toxic and safe.
- Bee, bird, and animal friendly.
- For the 1st time a product that can be used effectively and with efficient results in the “chemganic” phase – That often difficult, costly, and time consuming phase, when chemical practices are converted to organic and sustainable practices!
Introducing what we believe is the world’s best foliar fertilizer

Vigo Espresso is also one of the 1st of its kind in terms of being a primary fertilizer, which means that there is no longer a need to strictly apply granular fertilizers as has been the practice of the past.
This is a front-line fertilizer
Furthermore, it is organic and sustainable, and is made using superior organic bio-mimicry technology and from only selected natural raw materials of the very highest quality. It is 100% environmentally friendly, and thus fully adheres to the ability of creating and promoting sustainability. Due to its further and improved “wake you up” coffee type propertiesJ, it seemed fit to retain the Vigo Espresso™ name. The inclusion of the Vigo™ product as a catalyst into the solution, has catapulted “VE” into a nutrition and fertilizer ability which is truly unique and special, and allows it to fall into the True Compound Organic (TCO) category (see Vigo™ home page).
Vigo Espresso
- Feeds the plant and protects the soil
- Contains a complete balanced nutrient range
- Has a consistent analysis
- Contains 17 essential amino acids for optimum protein production
- Is not pH dependant
- Can be the primary source of nutrition when applied monthly
- Provides strong growth
- Reduces water usage
- Produces more shoots and roots and in a shorter period of time
- Strengthens cell walls
- Improves the stress tolerance of plants (drought, heat, disease, insec, water logging)
- Creates the environment for soils to rejuvenate themselves – Increases the diffusion of released nutrients providing an enriched area around the roots.
This new product has the added benefits of making the plant even more resilient to the various plant stress conditions, especially drought and heat.
- It has a quick response time – within hours
- Increases crop yield and shelf-life
- Makes the plant less attractive to insects and pests
- Increases plant growth and vigour
- And, for the first time as an organic, is able to compete with chemical fertilizers on results, and even outperform them in many instances!
Vigo espresso has been fully trialled – registration is currently underway and it will be commercially available shortly.
As per the trials done across the plant and crop spectrum, the application rates have been divided into the following categories:
- Agriculture
- Forestry
- Horticulture
- Golf & Sports-Fields
- Vigo Espresso is a primary organic colloidal nutrient formula product which takes the place of other fertilizers, and can also be used at critical stages during stress periods or fruiting requirements. Vigo Espresso foliar or root drench applications are recommended as a complete primary organic nutrient formula, or whenever the plant is experiencing high levels of stress (heat, wind, drought, transplanting, performance, insects, disease, etc). The quick growth and stress relieving results of Vigo Espresso are to be seen within hours of application. If being used as a primary nutrient option, it is also best to apply the nutrient formula over the plant/crop cycle, but there is no need to re-apply should it rain shortly after application. No other fertilizer protocol is required. Vigo Espresso is a combination of a natural colloidal nutrient ingredient formula, and Vigo, and is thus a superior primary balanced nutrient source which also has the added benefits of all that the Vigo product offers.
Note: Knapsack/backpack spraying must be done at a mix rate of 50ml:1lt (Vigo Espresso:water and applied as a fine mist foliar application).
* Shake the contents well before use.
* Do not apply Vigo Espresso in its undiluted form to leaves, but as suggested.
* For optimum nutrient uptake, do not irrigate for at least 4 hours (preferably 24Hrs if possible), after a foliar application of this product.
- Agriculture (Commercial/small-scale/subsistence/ home):
- Crops (General):
- Seedling plugs – Root drench weekly using a solution of Vigo Espresso at 20ml:1Lt water.
- Foliar spray the crop every 2 weeks at a rate of 20Lts/Ha mixed in 400Lts to 600Lts water in the spray tank, until just before harvest time. No need for any surfactants or wetting agents (All other fertilizer applications can be done away with).
- Vigo Espresso can be introduced at any time during the plant cycle but then the application rate needs to be increased to weekly for the 1st 2 applications, thereafter to the 2-weekly intervals.
- Application via drip-line can be done at 1part Vigo Espresso to 1400 parts water at least weekly (The equivalent to at least 20Lt/Ha every 2-weeks).
- For household use it is most effective when mixed to a solution of Vigo Espresso of 50ml:1lt water and applied as a fine mist foliar application, every 2 weeks.
- Vegetables (including strawberries):
- Seedling plugs – Root drench weekly using a solution of Vigo Espresso at 20ml:1Lt water.
- As a complete primary nutrient protocol (when doing away with all fertilizer protocols), Vigo Espresso is to be applied every 2 weeks as a root drench of 20ml:1Lt water, or as a foliar application of 10Lts/Ha every 2 weeks for newly planted vegetables, increasing to 20Lts/Ha every 2 weeks with 400lt to 600Lt water in a spray tank for vegetables from mid-crop development stage, and continuing until just before crop harvest/damping-off time.
- For household use it is most effective when mixed to a solution of Vigo Espresso of 50ml:1lt water and applied as a fine mist foliar application every 2 weeks.
- It can also be applied via drip-line or micro sprayers at a 1:1400 Vigo Espresso/water solution on a weekly basis (The equivalent to at least 20Lt/Ha every 2-weeks).
- Herbs:
- Follow the protocol for vegetables!
- Fruit trees:
- For fruit bearing trees, 3 x good root drenching applications during the year of Vigo Espresso at 20ml:1Lt water will make a big difference – once just before flowering (even on trees that flower prior to leafing), during the initial stages of fruit forming, and mid-way during fruit development stage, or as a foliar application at those critical times of 25Lt/Ha in a 400Lt to 600Lt spray tank.
- For a more sustained and increased performance (no other fertilizer protocol is required), a 2-weekly foliar application of Vigo Espresso at 20Lt/Ha in a spray tank of 400Lts to 600Lts water is recommended, to be applied throughout the season.
- It can also be applied via drip-line or micro sprayers at a 1:1400 Vigo Espresso:water solution on a weekly basis (The equivalent to at least 20Lt/Ha every 2-weeks).
- For household use it is most effective when mixed to a solution of Vigo Espresso of 50ml:1lt water and applied as a fine mist foliar application every 2 weeks.
- Forestry:
- Root drench the young trees weekly with a solution of 20ml Vigo Espresso:1Lt water until transplanting time, thereafter they can be well drenched 3 or 4 times per year at equally spaced intervals.
- Horticulture (Commercial and home):
- For general garden upkeep and superior performance, a continuous 2-weekly (every 2 weeks) foliar application of Vigo Espresso at 50ml/1Lt water, applied as a fine mist foliar application. No other fertilizer is then required.
- As a primary nutrient usage, young trees can be well drenched with a solution of 20ml Vigo Espresso/1Lt water and applied as and when, or a minimum of 3 x per year at 4-monthly intervals.
- When applying via drip-line apply at a ratio of 1:1400 Vigo Espresso:water weekly.
- In times of stress apply Vigo Espresso at 50ml:1lt water as a foliar every 2 weeks.
- Golf Courses and Sports-Fields:
- Golf greens; – Apply Vigo Espresso as a foliar application at 20Lt/Ha every 2-weekly. Do not irrigate for at least 4 hours afterwards and water in lightly before mowing. For better stress reduction results, apply 12.5Lt to 15Lt Vigo/Ha at the same time and in the same mix as the Vigo Espresso application (2-weekly).
- Sports-Fields: – Apply Vigo Espresso as a foliar at 20Lt/Ha every 2-weekly. Do not irrigate for at least 4 hours afterwards and water in lightly before mowing.
- No need to water in if grass clippings are not removed from the fields.
- Note
- The Vigo Espresso mix has also known to repel certain insects, particularly thrips, aphids, and white fly, due to an increase in the sugar or Brix levels.
- With the continual usage of Vigo Espresso, we have found that plants continue to perform optimally even when water is reduced by as much as 30%.
- Vigo Espresso applied as both a foliar or soil/root applications creates an environment around the root zone (rhizosphere) which encourages (and thus speeds up) the rehabilitation of soils from chemical to organic (The “chemganic” transition period). Increased exudate excretion provides an enriched rhizosphere and increases the diffusion of released nutrients.
- With Vigo Espresso, the advantage of various options with regards to nutrient applications is apparent, given costs, labour, and application equipment available.
- 2-weekly refers to every 2 weeks.
- Vigo Espresso can also be used with additional Vigo for optimal results.
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