Introducing Vigoland™
Our name Vigoland is derived from the ancient Latin and French definitions of the word vigorousus/vigere, and vigoros/vigoreux, and into the modern word vigour /vigorous, meaning “be lively”, “flourish”, “thrive”, “robust’, “healthy -in good health”, “strong”, “in good shape”, “flourishing”, “dynamic”, “hardy”, “full of life”, “sturdy”, “vibrant”, “fit”, “energetic”, “active”, etc.
Why Vigoland Products?
Have you ever wondered how Earth has survived both manmade and natural disasters? How in the past after devastating forest fires, drought, flooding, chemical and biological spillage, and war, the earth has healed Herself? Time was the major factor, however time is running out. Today when nature almost at times seems to turn against us, and when economics, socio-economics, politics, population growth, deforestation, climate change and other factors affect our lives, there is a product out there that gives the plant the edge. For without plants life itself will not exist.
How ironic that Covid-19 has manifested itself in such a destructive manner globally, and we are told that our immune systems are the best guard against it! We believe that, besides a healthy lifestyle, it is only pure organics which can contribute to true food health to boost and maintain that immune system – You are what you eat.
That product is Vigo™, a true compound organic (TCO), environmentally friendly product, which our scientists wrestled with for more than a decade in order to understand what Mother Nature does naturally. It took another decade to be able to exact the very complicated processes of extracting Vigo in a form that makes it commercially viable, yet is able to preserve all the unique and complex characteristics. Vigo™ now forms the backbone of our extended product range and is an additive to all those products. It is the catalyst which takes everything to the next level. It is credible and accredited, certified, and registered! In the past we made the connection of organics to sustainability which in essence is about a healthier environment, but now Vigoland is talking about Holistic Sustainability which encompasses and promotes people’s health within a healthy environment.

Nurturing Your Business
Production pressures, land usage, water conservancy, pandemics, chemical and environmental impact on sectors like Agriculture, Golf Courses and Sport Fields, Horticulture, Forestry, Businesses and Homes, etc., is like never before. Vigo assists in relieving these pressures. Developed, trialled and tested over the past 25 years, Vigo™ is now even more commercially ready and has shown astonishing results in plant and crop growth, resulting in a reduction of the pressures cited above, yet has shown an increase in yields and returns, to mention but a few. The product is so effective that it has been hailed a “game changer” and can assist in the quest to alleviate world famine. Covid-19 has prompted us to re-look at how we can better be of service to humankind, and to our philosophy in terms of our message, supply, support, and protocols (including the “chemganic” phase – see “products” tab, which we have termed in order to assist with the changeover from a chemical/synthetic, to an organic means). There is a renewed search for products such as ours and it is no coincidence that both the local market and countries abroad have looked us up during this pandemic, and we have stepped up to being a leader in this field!

History of Scientific Research
Approximately 14 years to isolate the active ingredients.
Culmination of over 20 years of research at a number of leading international research institutions investigating 100’s of experiments on a variety of plants including agricultural crops, turf grass, horticultural and medicinal species have been conducted.
The Process
Vigo™ is produced in a patented and strictly controlled and scientific protocol manner using only specific raw organic materials. The active ingredients are subtly preserved and are so natural that as yet it has no known shelf expiry life if stored under the correct conditions. We have been using product produced over 25 years ago in trials and with the same results. The product is further not subject to any modification or additions, contains no GMO’s, and is most credible.
The Vigo™ Edge
Vigo™ was germinated from an understanding of nature and what Mother Earth does in the natural world (Bio-mimicry) – It’s all about Sustainability, and now more so, Holistic Sustainability! “Breaking the Code” so to speak has given us the ability to develop a product, in Vigo™, of which the product results are that of combination of a Bio-Stimulant/ Plant Growth Conditioner / Bio-regulator/Potentiator. Its true uniqueness lies in the fact that it performs many and varied functions in one product and yet so incredibly effectively, as opposed to products which can only positively affect one aspect of a plant, or combined, only marginally affect multiple aspects, given similar application rates. Vigo™ is truly a unique product! Further development of our fertilizer (Espresso), with added Vigo™, has resulted in a product which is organically taking plant growth, yield, and results to new dimensions without outbalancing growth!
The Process
Vigo™ is produced in a patented and strictly controlled and scientific protocol manner using only specific raw organic materials. The active ingredients are subtly preserved and are so natural that as yet it has no known shelf expiry life if stored under the correct conditions. We have been using product produced over 25 years ago in trials and with the same results. The product is further not subject to any modification or additions, contains no GMO’s, and is most credible.
The Vigo™ Edge
Vigo™ was germinated from an understanding of nature and what Mother Earth does in the natural world (Bio-mimicry) – It’s all about Sustainability, and now more so Holistic Sustainability! “Breaking the Code” so to speak has given us the ability to develop a (remove TCO) product in Vigo™, of which the product results are that of combination of a Bio-Stimulant/ Plant Growth Conditioner / Bio-regulator/Potentiator. Its true uniqueness lies in the fact that it performs many and varied functions in one product and yet so incredibly effectively, as opposed to products which can only positively affect one aspect of a plant, or combined, only marginally affect multiple aspects, given similar application rates. Vigo™ is truly a unique product! Further development of our fertilizer (Espresso), with added Vigo™, has resulted in a product which is organically taking plant growth, yield, and results to new dimensions without outbalancing growth!
Case Studies
We’ve put our product to the test, so click through and see the results for yourself.
Treated Seeds and Plants
Control seed on the left, varying dosage Vigo™ treated seeds on the right.
A – Tomato
B – Okra
C – Beans
D – Rice
E – Maize
F – Pasture Grass

Vigo™ Accreditations and Evaluations:
In order to further distinguish Vigo™ in terms of its credibility, the following accreditations have been awarded. This sets Vigo™ apart from the not so credible products that are to be found on the market currently
Vigo™ Accreditations and Evaluations:
Vigo™ Accreditations and Evaluations:
In order to further distinguish Vigo™ in terms of its credibility, the following accreditations have been awarded. This sets Vigo™ apart from the not so credible products that are to be found on the market currently
Skal Bio Control
As a control authority, Skal Biocontrole is dedicated to proving the reliability of organic products in the Netherlands and is the only organic control organisation in the Netherlands assigned by the Minister of Economic Affairs, and as such are the only dedicated control authority responsible for the inspection and certification of organic companies in the Netherlands. They are also the watch-dog for the implementation and administration of the European organic rules in the agricultural sector as well as on importers and trading Companies, of which Vigoland (Pty) Ltd is one. Skal can only grant a certificate if the product and the production chain involved, is monitored. Likewise, a product can only be organic, if it is certified.

FIBL (Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau)
Is a research institute dedicated to the research on all aspects of organic farming and has branches in several countries, and numerous projects and initiatives on several continents. It is an independent, non-profit institute with the aim of advancing cutting-edge science in the field of organic agriculture. FIBL’s research team works together with farmers to develop innovative and cost-effective solutions to boost agricultural productivity while never losing sight of environmental, health, and socio-economic impacts. Within its network, it evaluates inputs and publishes input lists, some of which include, bio.inspecta which is a control and certification body based in Switzerland and operates at a national and international level, as well as Austria Bio Garantie which performs a similar function.
Contact Us
There is a renewed search for products such as ours and it is no coincidence that both the local market and countries abroad have looked us up during this pandemic, and we have stepped up to being a leader in this field!